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Americans do not have a corner on the “death”market,but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes.

Americans celebrate the New Year in many ways. 美国人有多种庆祝新年的方式。
Americans cleave to the things of this world as if assured that they will never die, and yet are in such a rush to snatch any that come within their reach, as if expecting to stop living before they have relished them. 他们执着于世上的一件事情,就好像他们永远不会死去,然而他们又急于抓住任何一个他们可以触及的东西,就好像他们认为人生短促,岂能不及时行乐。
Americans consume nearly 50. billion cups of tea annually (over 40 billion are iced). 美国人每年喝大约喝500亿杯茶(超过400亿杯是冰茶)。
Americans couldn\'t live without cars! 离开汽车,美国人无法生活!
Americans do not have a corner on the deathmarket, but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes. 虽然美国人并没有垄断了世界死亡殡葬业的市场,但是美国确以最苛重的赋税在世界上独占鳌头。
Americans do not have a corner on the “death”market,but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes. 美国人并没有垄断“死亡”市场,但许多人感到美国却以最重的纳税在世界独占鳌头。
Americans donated blood, and gave money to help the families of victims. People went to prayer services all over America, and raised flags to show their pride and unity. 美国人捐血、捐钱,帮助受害者家属。美国各地的人们参加各种祈祷活动,手举国旗,对自己的国家感到骄傲,并显示团结。
Americans elect a president every four years, and only citizens over 18 can cast a vote. 美国每四年选一出一位总统,但只有年满18岁的公民才能投票。
Americans enjoy doing many things in their cars-like watching movies at a drive-in theater (usually a double feature). 美国人喜欢在汽车里做各种事情,像是在汽车电影院里看电影(通常连放两部影片)。
Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficence of technological advance. 美国人蜂拥地赶到这些展览场地,来欣赏这些新机器,并因而加深了他们对科技进步的好处的信仰。
Americans hate to waste food. And they can always take their leftovers home without being embarrassed. That's something we both have in common. 美国人不喜欢浪费食物。他们可能经常把剩饭剩菜带回家,不必感到尴尬。这点是我们所共有的。

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