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This machines makes parts with hair-thin accuracy.

This machine works for shaping double (three, single) bead heavy truck bias tyre, in case with digit type turn down, bladder turn up, whiff pull band. 本机适用于指形正包、胶囊反包、喷气牵引帘布筒成型双(三、单)钢圈载重斜交轮胎。
This machine's range of application widely, include all sorts of small-typed material quality surface solidify, plate burning, light quick experiment. 该机应用范围广,包括各种小型材质表面固化、晒版、光敏试验等。
This machinery is designed for mass production and makes the cost of production lower. It can produce either a singlesheet or a coil whichever you prefer. 龙门式冲孔网机在单一规格的情况下,可高速生产,产量大,加工成本低。原材料可以选择单片生产或卷板生产,成品也有单片和卷板两种选择。
This machinery is made in China (Great Britain, USA, Canada, Italy, Holland, Japan, Korea, Federal Germany, Democratic Germany, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Soviet Union, Swiss, Sweden). 这台机械是中国(英国、美国、加拿大、意大利、荷兰、日本、朝鲜、联邦德国、民主德国、法国、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、南斯拉夫、匈牙利、苏联、瑞士、瑞典)制造的。
This machines is a triumph of advanced technology. 这一机器是先进技术的杰出成果。
This machines makes parts with hair-thin accuracy. 这部机器由极为精密的部件构成。
This mad clubbing sesh becomes awash with die-hard fans, students, and townies looking for a nutty night out. 夜总会里这种疯狂的社交集会充斥着一些顽固的迷恋者、学生和外出寻找狂热之夜的老百姓。
This made Beijing the first Chinese city to establish a full circle shelterbelt designated “emergency shelter.” The construction of the Park followed the dictum: “Green Olympics, People's Olympics, High-tech Olympics.” International bidding was let for de 公园建设运用了全新的理念:“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”的理念;规划设计方案国际招标的国际化理念;北京市最新的园林照明理念。
This made Confucius really angry, and he knocked Yuan Rang on his shins with his staff, scolding him, You! 孔子真的生气了,就用手杖敲敲原壤的脚胫,骂他道﹕「你啊!
This made Straker less than popular. 这也导致斯却克不受人欢迎。
This made feel deeply the meaning of a idiom, a loss may turn out to be a gain. 经过这件事,我深刻领会到了“塞翁失马,焉知非富”这个成语的意义!

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