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The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.

The brakes locked, causing the car to skid. 汽车因车轮刹住而打滑。
The brakes screeched as the car stopped. 汽车停时,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。
The braking clamps, made of composite or aluminium alloy ask for temperatures around 200 - 250°C. 由合成物或铝合金制成的刹车夹需要大约200-250摄氏度的工作温度。
The braking system features 360 mm diameter ventilated discs at the front with four piston calipers. 制动系统采用360毫米直径的通风盘上的前4活塞卡钳.
The braking technique applied to low-floor lightrail vehicles at home and abroad, including the related principle of its function and the combined action fashion is introduced. 摘要介绍了目前国内外低地板轻轨车辆采用的制动技术,并阐述其工作原理和联合作用模式。
The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it. 那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。
The branch broke and fell to the ground. 树枝断了,落在地上。
The branch has separated from the trunk of the tree. 这个树枝已从树干上脱落了.
The branch in Massachusetts is open in Aug.2006. 位于麻州波士顿的分公司,集办公与仓储于一体。
The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located. 外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、自治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。
The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. 二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支

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