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During the period from 97-98,80 cases with small-cell carcinomaof the lung were treated with cyclop hosphamide, vincristine (CO); cyclophosphamide, vincri-stine, methotrexate (COM); cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, prednisone (C OMP );

During the image acquisition process of an automatic iris recognition system, unqualified iris images are probably rejected (Failure to Enroll). 在自动虹膜识别系统的图像采集过程中,不符合标准的虹膜图像可能被系统拒绝登录(“注册失败”)。
During the operation ossiculars disorders were found in cases,soft connections between incus and stapes in and stapoincus joint dislocations in .Ossicular chain reconstruction were done in 0 cases. 术中见 耳为听小骨病变 , 耳为砧镫关节纤维组织软连接 ,耳为砧镫关节脱位。
During the oviposition stage, adult female secreted wax threads by its ventral multilocular disc-pores to form its ovisac. 雌成虫产卵期由腹面多格腺分泌丝状蜡结成卵囊。
During the past year,0.8% of the subjects have thought to commit suicide or injure themselves deliberately and 0.% have really done. 过去年内0.8%的想过自杀或故意伤害自己,0.%的有过自杀或故意伤害自己的行为。
During the period 8- July 99,over 0 fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. 99年7月8日至日期间,彗星苏梅克-列维9(SL-9)的超过0块碎片与木星发生了相撞.
During the period from 97-98,80 cases with small-cell carcinomaof the lung were treated with cyclop hosphamide, vincristine (CO); cyclophosphamide, vincri-stine, methotrexate (COM); cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, prednisone (C OMP ); 本文总结我院97—98年80例小细胞末分化型肺癌用环磷酰胺、长春新碱(CO):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤(COM):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤、强的松(COMP’):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤,甲基苄肼(COMP)四种方案的疗效。
During the period of Japanese invader committed aggression and massacre in Nanjing, a news policy to dominate sternly news and to manipulate consensus had been directly conducted and actualized. 日本当局在指挥日军对南京进攻与大屠杀期间,实施了一系列控制新闻与操纵舆论的新闻政策:一方面宣扬日本的侵略有理与日军的赫赫战果,伪造南京的"祥和"气象与南京人民对皇军的欢迎和感激,伪造南京人民自主地建立伪政权,等等;
During the primary design of frames,the section sizes are estimated according to the beam span and the axis force bearded by column, but the structural anti-side stiffness will not be the maximum. 框架结构初步设计中,梁柱截面尺寸估算分别按照梁的跨度及柱所分担的轴力来进行,由此得到结构抗侧刚度并不一定最大。
During the recognition test of mathematical symbols handwritten by 0 subjects, correctness rate reaches 9.%,incorrectness rate .0 % and refusal rate .%. 在对0人无限制书写的数学符号的识别试验中,正确识别率为9.%,误识率为 .0 %,拒识率为.%.
During the surgery,0.-.0 ml TA was used to stain the vitreous,hyaloid and internal limiting membrane. 手术中每次注入0.-.0 ml,显现玻璃体、玻璃体后皮质以及内界膜。
During the time of lambs weaned, weaning stress was exceedingly obvious. Lamb fed 7%(F)CP diet grew faster than those fed %(F)and %(F )level of diet protein, it allowed for a smother transition on to growth; 羔羊断奶后00-0 日龄内,饲喂7%蛋白水平日粮的羔羊增重明显快于饲喂%和 %蛋白水平日粮的羔羊,断奶过渡期增重平稳,而饲喂%和 %蛋白水平日粮的羔羊断奶后,日增重下降非常明显。

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