Character being converted. The user has selected this character but the IME has not yet converted it.
正在转换中的字符。用户已经选择了这个字符,但是IME还没有转换它。 |
Character creation itself has been simplified so that players no longer set intangible attributes, the effects of which players likely would not have known for a long time anyway.
角色创建过程被简化,玩家不用再考虑难以理解的、其作用在很长一段时间里都看不出来的各种属性;而角色与游戏世界的交互几乎能只靠鼠标完成,指针会依行动的不同(攻击、交易、交谈,等等)而改变形状。 |
Character is determined at the age of three,and life is determinde by character.Let your children be that kind of person like Einstein,Picasso,Audrey Hepburn and Bill Gates.
3岁定性格,性格定人生,让您的孩子长大后成为像爱因斯坦,毕加索,奥戴丽赫本,比尔盖茨他们那样的人! |
Character is of sovereign importance .
人品最为重要。 |
Character is of sovereign importance.
人品最为重要。 |
Character is of sovereign importance.
性格是无比重要的。 |
Character is the first and last word in the success circle.
品德好是成功的先决条件和最终衡量. |
Character is the first and last word in the success circle. With it you have riches no money can buy. Without it you are a pauper.
品德是成功的始末。拥有它,就拥有金钱买不到的财富。缺少了它,就成为贫民,一无所有。 |
Character is the first and last word in the sucess circle.
品德是成功的先决条件和最终衡量。 |
Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.
品格是成功的真正基础。 |
Character is what makes one man stand out more prominently than another.
一个人的德性使他与众不同。。 |