It started raining when I was on the point of leaving home.
我正要离开家的时候开始下雨了。 |
It started with ILM's creature development team (well versed in children's movie animals but not so much in carburetors) heading to the autobody shop in early 2006 and lifting up the hoods of real-life cars to develop as many real-looking car parts as pos
而一切都在二零零六年初开工,那时候,ILM的角色设计团队前往一家汽车经销商,打开车子的引擎盖,开始想办法设计出一堆看起来像真车上零件的零件。 |
It started with Mr Putin's accusation in February that America's “unconstrained hyper-use of force” threatened the world; intensified in May with an implied comparison of America with Nazi Germany; and climaxed this month with a threat to re-target Russia
起先是普京在2月谴责美国“无节制的过度使用武力”威胁了世界;5月攻击加强了,普京暗将美国比作纳粹德国;本月则达到了高潮,普京威胁要重新将俄国的核弹瞄准欧洲目标。 |
It started with boiled peanuts pickled cucumber and chickens feet!!!
开胃的小菜有水煮花生,腌青瓜和鸡爪! |
It starts Friday and forecasters are predicting a spate of named storms.
周五起,预报员预测了一系列命名的风暴。 |
It starts at seven o'clock.
七点钟开始。 |
It starts from Washington Square Park in downtown New York, extending through Greenwich Village, Midtown, the Upper East Side, Harlem, and into The Bronx in the north.
大道始于纽约市区的华盛顿广场公园,穿过格林威治村、中城、上东区、哈莱姆区,直至北端的布朗克斯区。 |
It starts from agelong store of Mr.Chen, going round as yet at Gu Lang Yu.
作为鼓浪屿的四大名小吃之一,始源于公元1821年的巷口鱼丸铺-陈氏老店,在鼓浪屿流传至今。 |
It starts operation from June, 2003.
欢迎大家继续读函授课程。 |
It starts out supplying a conceptual overview, but quickly moves into a role as a detailed reference guide.
开始与概念上的设计,但快速的移动到一个角色和详细的参考规范。 |
It stated that great companies stay innovative all the time.
该报告表明一流的公司始终保持创新。 |