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The economist believes energy prices would probably be reaching their cyclical peak.

The economic views of Liu Yan fully reflect the concept of reign from the view of human-centeredand always put the demos first. 刘晏的经济思想充分体现了“以人为本”、“爱民为先”的执政理念。
The economics here is as simple and straightforward as economics ever gets. It would be hard to find any economist who would disagree. 这里所提到的经济学道理十分简单直白,恐怕没有哪个经济学家会不同意这个说法。
The economies of scope, complementarities, and network externalities of an institutional matrix make institutional change overwhelmingly incremental and path dependent. 经济的规模、补充和制度框架的外部性使得制度变迁完全是渐进的和路径依赖的。
The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other. 两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。
The economist and the bank he founded will share the prize. 这位经济学家和他的银行共同分享本年度诺本尔和平奖。
The economist believes energy prices would probably be reaching their cyclical peak. 经济学者相信,能源价格可能达到周期性的高峰。
The economist, by instinct, anticipated the current depression. 那位经济学家凭直觉预见目前的经济萧条。
The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation. 经济学家预言通货膨胀率将会增长。
The economy and practicability of the product are analyzed and compared objectively. 对产品的经济性和实用性等作了客观的分析比较。
The economy clearly needs more deregulation, not the fostering of national champions that Mr Zapatero has espoused. 经济增长显然需要解除更多的管制,而不是靠萨帕特罗所拥护的培养民族英雄计划。
The economy continues to expand – albeit, on consensus numbers, at a slightly slower pace than last year. 经济继续扩张——尽管从普遍数据来看,增长速度较去年略有放缓。

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