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Every new sovereign brings his own courtiers.

Every nation now faces a choice between lawful change and chaotic violence; between joyless conformity and an open, creative society; and between the celebration of death in suicide and murder and the defense of life and its dignity. 现在每个国家都面临着这样的抉择:是进行合法变革,还是忍受乱世暴力;是墨守成规哀怨不已,还是追求一个开放和富有创造性的社会;是以自杀和谋杀庆贺死亡,还是捍卫生命和尊严。
Every nation views international events through the prism of its history. 每个民族都是透过其历史的棱镜来审视国际事件的。
Every nationality has its certain culture and every culture has its certain living space. 摘要任何一个民族都有其特定的文化,任何一种文化都有其特定的生长土壤。
Every new phase in the evolution of public life signifies the advancement of the democratic system. 战后,人类民主发展创造了与之相适应的有机的公共生活。
Every new release -- including eight gold and seven Platinum albums -- became a reflection of Carlos' personal growth and evolution. 每一张专辑的推出--包括8张金专辑和7张白金专辑--都成为卡洛斯个人成长和发展的写照。
Every new sovereign brings his own courtiers. 一朝天子一朝臣。
Every new television comes with a guarantee. 每台新电视机都有保 修单.
Every night I have a dream about being in my grandparents home. 每天夜里我都梦见在祖父母家中。
Every night I'm searching for your signs. 每一晚我都在寻找你的印记.
Every night after cleansing, massage evenly over face, neck and chest. 每天晚上清洁皮肤之后,适量涂抹于面部,颈部和胸部。
Every night as I look out and wish upon a star, I wish you were here and not out and afar. 每晚当我眺望窗外,对着星星祈祷时,我希望你就在我身边,而不是相隔万里。

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