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Previous medical history disclosed an episode of acute arthritis of the hands and feet which occurred 3 years earlier (and terminated spontaneously after a week) and a normal first pregnancy before starting contraceptive therapy.

Previous estimates, most prominently collected by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, reported in the Lancet in October 2006, suggested almost half this number, 654,965, as a likely figure in a possible range of 390,000 to 940,000. 此前的大多数据由美国约翰斯?霍普金斯?布隆伯格公共卫生学院收集统计,据2006年10月在《柳叶刀》杂志上公布的统计报告显示,伊战死亡人数可能在39万至94万之间,很可能为654965人,约为最新统计结果的近一半。
Previous experiments have established that many parts of the brain are involved in anticipating and enjoying rewards. 先前的实验证实大脑中的很多部分都涉及到了对奖赏的期望和钟爱。
Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。
Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。
Previous journalistic copy to which succeeding copy is added. 旧稿要加上先前拷贝的原新闻的稿件
Previous medical history disclosed an episode of acute arthritis of the hands and feet which occurred 3 years earlier (and terminated spontaneously after a week) and a normal first pregnancy before starting contraceptive therapy. 既往史:3年前有偶发性手、足关节炎(1周后自行好转)和用避孕药前的一次正常妊娠。
Previous papers from the group. 组里以往发表的文章。
Previous refractive surgery (e.g., RK, PRK, LASIK). 之前有屈光手术史。
Previous research has found people who play such games are more likely to be aggressive but some say this just shows violent people gravitate towards them. 此前的调查发现爱玩暴力游戏的人侵略性较强,但是有人说这只能说明具有暴力倾向的人喜欢玩暴力游戏。
Previous research has indicated that vitamin D may provide a protective effect, but evidence has been inconclusive. 先前的研究显示维生素D具有保护性作用,但是证据并不具有决定性意义。
Previous research has shown that estrogen promotes the growth of most types of breast cancer. 以前的研究表明,雌激素促进大多数乳癌的生长。

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