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Abstract: Based on lifelong teaching experience and accumulation,the author makes some researches on the memorizing methods and teaching approaches of English vocabulary, especially introduces some effective ways to enlarge English vocabulary.

Abstract: Based on former loanword researches,this text analyzed the content and form of new loanwords ,in addition, analyzed transliteration words in loanwords. 摘要:本文在前人对外来词的研究的基础上,对近年来新出现的外来词作了内容和形式上的分析,并且具体分析了外来词中的音译词。
Abstract: Based on forward method,this paper recommends a new technique for 2.5 dimensional resistivity imagery,which can help to save calculation time.The imaging iterative procedure is quite stable,and can hence complete imaging for extensively existent 文摘:以作者提出的正演方法为基础,给出一种新的2.5维电阻率成像方法,节省了计算时间,使成像迭代过程很稳定,可以对实际上广泛存在的大电性对比度的介质成像,从而提高了电阻率层析成像技术的实用性。
Abstract: Based on fractal characters,a method for segmenting man-made objects is presented,in which fractal model is used to describe the n atural background.The difference between man-made objects and the natural scene in fractal characters is enhanced 文摘:介绍了一种基于分形特征进行人造目标分割的方法.它是用分形模型描述自然场景,基于人造目标和自然背景在分形特征上的差别,并利用概率松弛的思想增强这种差异,从而自适应分割出目标图象.实验结果验证了这种方法的有效性和可行性.
Abstract: Based on image processing the theory, hardware and software of the length measurement and control system in the untouched length continuous casting slab system are introduced. 文摘:介绍了基于图像处理的无接触式连铸板坯测长系统的工作原理、硬件构成和软件编程。
Abstract: Based on ladle refining, wide flat anvil forge with great forging ratio, heat treatment process of "normalizing+spheroidizing+diffusion hydrogen",the cold roll blank has been forged succesfully,and the percent of pass is up to 90.5%. 文摘:采用钢包精炼炉冶炼、宽平砧大压下量锻造、“正火+球化+扩氢”的热处理工艺,成功制造了冷辊坯,合格率达90.5%。
Abstract: Based on lifelong teaching experience and accumulation,the author makes some researches on the memorizing methods and teaching approaches of English vocabulary, especially introduces some effective ways to enlarge English vocabulary. 文摘:本文根据笔者多年的教学经验与积累,就大学英语词汇记忆方法、教学方法等方面作了一些探讨,着重介绍了扩大英语词汇量的有效途径。
Abstract: Based on neural network, a new method was presented for processing the data of the multiwavelength pyrometer. 文摘:提出了基于神经网络的多波长温度计数据处理的新方法。
Abstract: Based on patients' informed and consent,the article expounds specific meaning,ethical significance,implementation,and several clinical key points.Of course,information and consent also leads to the decision of unfavorable them self health &socie 文摘:就知情同意的具体含义、伦理意义、实施条件和几项临床要素作出阐述;当然,知情同意也可能导致病人作出拒绝治疗等不利于自身健康或不利于社会的决定,这就需要医生的特殊干涉权的伦理依据及临床应用范围。
Abstract: Based on photometric stereo,a new method is proposed for fabric 3-D surface reconstruction in this paper.Combining finite difference method ,the 3-D contour data of fabric is acquired,the fabric surface shape is reconstructed and analysed. 文摘:提出了一种基于光度立体视觉方法对织物进行三维表面重建.结合有限差分法,获取织物的三维轮廓数据.重建织物的表面形状并加以分析.
Abstract: Based on practice, this paper mainly discusses how to set up the computer managing system for library close-shelf lending and provides some viable methods by dealing with the selection of the library cards, the modes of system construction, the 文摘:本文在总结实践的基础上,主要从图书凭证的选取,系统的建设模式,网络系统和数据库管理系统平台的建立,应用系统的结构和主要功能等方面,来阐述如何搞好闭架借阅的图书馆微机管理系统的建设,提供切实可行的方法和途径。
Abstract: Based on problems occurred during the service of the LS spiral conveyer, such as, jam of uncharging orifice, short usefull life of the drop-hanger bearings, easy rupture of connecting parts; quick wear of spiral vane, etc. and according to the p 文摘:针对LS型输送机使用中存在的一些问题,如卸料口积料堵塞、吊轴承使用寿命短、连接件易断裂、螺旋叶片磨损快等问题,依据在铸造生产中的使用实践,进行故障分析,提出了改进思路,以利提高螺旋输送机整体设计和制造水平。

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