I can)get all kinds of resources!
我能)得到各种的资源! |
I can, like, spend the whole day there, you know?
我可以在那里玩上一整天。” |
I can\'t believe I got this urge zit the day before the prom.
我不敢相信在毕业舞会的前一天,我长了这么大一颗青春痘。 |
I can\'t concentrate with you breathing down my neck.
你这样紧紧叮着我,使我精神无法集中。 |
I can\'t find fault with the new restaurant: the food is good and the service is excellent.
我无法对那家新餐馆吹毛求疵:食品很好,服务也是一流的。 |
I can\'t focus my thoughts today.
今天我的思想集中不起来。 |
I can\'t judge whether she was right or wrong.
我不能断定她是对还是错。 |
I can\'t make any promise now, but I will see about the matter.
我现在不能作出任何承诺,但是我会考虑这件事的。 |
I can\'t stay any longer.
我一刻也不能再呆下去了。 |
I can\'t tell the twins apart.
我辨认不出这对双胞胎。 |
I can\'t wait to get out there and show everyone what the Denver Nuggets are capable of.
我已经按耐不住上场比赛的冲动,我要向每一个人证明,丹佛掘金队将不负众望。 |