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In an atheistic society, the best deeds that you can do are the honor or assistance you can bring your family or friends.

In an area where freezing conditions can occur, Series 009 should be installed above ground in an insulated enclosure. 在可能发生冰冻环境的区域,系列009应该安装在地面,并位于保温罩内。
In an area where freezing conditions do not occur, Series 009 can be installed outside. The most satisfactory installation is above ground and should be installed in this manner whenever possible. 在不会发生冰冻环境的区域,系列009可以安装在室外。最好安装在地面,也尽可能以这种方式安装。
In an array of services, from education to health care, from providing security to preserving the environment, the public sector has failed dismally while the private side has picked up the slack. 让我们再来看看肯尼亚的社会服务:从教育到医疗保健以及从国家安全到环境保护,公有经济总是败得很糟糕而私有经济也往往能完成救民于水深火热的重任。
In an article in the official mouthpiece People's Daily published in February, Premier Wen Jiabao stressed that economic growth should take precedence over democratic reforms for the foreseeable future, a period that he appeared to indicate could stretch 在一月出版的中国官方代言人民日报的一篇文章中,温家宝总理强调在可预见的未来100年中,经济增长应该优先于民主改革。
In an asthma attack the bronchioles (tiny airways in the lungs) constrict, triggering the release of histamine and other chemicals that, in turn, cause inflammation, swelling and the production of extra mucus, making it hard to breathe. 在哮喘发作的时,支气管(肺部的小气道)收缩,触发释放组胺和其他化学物质,从而引起炎症、肿胀和产生特别的粘液,导致呼吸困难。
In an atheistic society, the best deeds that you can do are the honor or assistance you can bring your family or friends. 在一个无神论的社会里,你能为你的家庭或朋友做的最好的事情无非就是给他们带来荣誉,或者在他们需要帮助的时候给予一臂之力。
In an atmosphere of high tension and mistrust, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met warily at an emergency summit Monday aimed at halting bloody clashes in the Mideast. 阿拉法特和巴拉克在紧张不信任气氛下会面在高度紧张和不信任气氛下,以色列总理巴拉克和巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特星期一谨慎会商紧急高峰会,企图停止中东流血冲突。
In an atmosphere of learning and friends, in good faith, the passion to create, beyond the purpose of the guide will be a combination of individual freedom and social responsibility, and you grow together and moved towards tomorrow. 在学习与交友的氛围中,在诚信,激情,创造,超越的宗旨引导下,将个人自由与社会责任相结合,与您一起成长,共同走向明天。
In an atmosphere, it can achieve cruising speeds of up to 1,150 kilometers per hour, and divebomb speeds of 1,250 kilometers per hour. 在大气层中,它可以获得1150公里的巡航时速,和1250公里的俯冲时速。
In an attempt for an economic evaluation of the P-residual effect the following producer prices for food crops in Indonesia have been converted into US Dollar (using an average exchange ratio between Indonesia Rupiah and US$ of 1,925:1): 1 kg rice = 225 R 为了对磷的残效作尝试性的经济评价,下列印尼粮食作物产品价格被折成美元(印尼卢比与美元比率为1925:1):1公斤水稻=225卢比,1公斤玉米=175卢比,1公斤大豆=700卢比,1公斤绿豆=1200卢比。
In an attempt to approximate a Victorian reading experience, this class will read Dickens's great novel Bleak House in serial installments throughout the semester, alongside other texts. 为了对维多利亚时期的作品有粗略的概念,我们会分阶段阅读狄更斯的钜着《荒凉山庄》,并配合其他的作品一起阅读。

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