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Both parties have reached a temporary agreement on the dissension.

Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations. 例3:双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。
Both parties agree that it's buy's responsibility to recover the quality, quantity, shipment schedule and etc. issues of goods under this contract; it havs nothing to do with the seller. 买卖双方同意本合同项下货物的品质,数量,交期等均由买方向烟台东苑福利塑料厂追索。与卖方无关。
Both parties agree that the price can be adjusted up or down based on the increase or decrease ( /-5%)in the cost of stainless steel.This adjustment can be reviewed each time order. 不锈钢材料价格浮动低于或者超出5%,不锈钢洗手盆的价格将根据每次订单时的浮动来调整,否则不得调整价格。
Both parties had an active campaign to round up the votes. 双方都积极开展竞选运动来拉选票。
Both parties have descended on the state to rouse their infantry. 两党都已经深入该州发动各自的兵团。
Both parties have reached a temporary agreement on the dissension. 双方对于纠纷的解决达成暂时协议。
Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement. 然后双方签订一份临时租约.
Both parties hereto shall observe and comply with regulations concerning labor safety and hygiene. 双方必须严格遵守并配合劳工安全卫生有关法令及规定.
Both parties involved in this pre-established harmony – the inspector and the company – act according to a gentleman's agreement. 这种事先设立的和谐关系中的双方——监察员和公司——根据“绅士的约定”行事。
Both parties may choose the law under which the terms herein are to be enforced. 双方可以选择适用中国法律,也可以选择适用美国法律。
Both parties of a contradiction have the innate inclination towards self-balance. 矛盾双方都有首先趋向自身平衡的本性。

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