Getting out of debt must be placed before buying anything new.
必须先还清债务然后再置办物品。 |
Getting out of the office, away from the stress and into a totally different environment,clears your mind and helps you put some perspective on whatever hassles are dogging your day.
走出办公室,摆脱压力,进入一个完全不同的环境中,让头脑清醒,会让你对纠缠了你一整天的问题豁然开朗。 |
Getting ready for a slow ascent is more likely.
作好准备慢慢地升迁,可能性更大。 |
Getting respect and self-realization is not the highest need, but the Four Freedoms and real peace.
获得尊重,自我实现不是人生活中的最高需求,免于恐惧,心灵平静才是真正的最高需求。 |
Getting rid of a bad habit is as much an efforts as forming a good one.
摆脱坏习惯就像养成好习惯一样需要努力。 |
Getting that high paying job was really a feather in his cap.
得到那么高薪水的工作是值得骄傲的事。 |
Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego.
得到那份工作大大增强了他的自信。 |
Getting that well-paid job was a bit of a mixed blessing; it means we'll have to live abroad for several years.
得到那份报酬优厚的工作是有点利弊参半,这意味著我们得在国外住好几年。 |
Getting the Ammonites and Amalekites to join him, Eglon came and attacked Israel, and they took possession of the City of Palms.
13伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人,去攻打以色列人,占据棕树城。 |
Getting the call for the Yanks tonight will be Chien-Ming Wang, who will likely get the start for Game One of the ALDS.
今晚代表洋基先发投手为王建民,他将在季后赛第1轮担任首场先发角色。 |
Getting the loan from bank, the company got through difficulties .
从银行得到了笔贷款,公司渡过了难关。 |