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And there it shall stay, for I have no further use for it.

And there is space not only in a geographical sense, but in the sense of opportunity, of social mobility. 还有空间,不仅仅是地理意义上的空间,更是指机会,指社会身份的流动性。
And there is the enormous underdeveloped hinterland with excess rural population. 还有中国巨大的内陆地农村人口过多、不发达。
And there is the mountain, with snow capped tops and limpid springs, with duteous sheep and gentle breeze, with memories of a lifetime, haunting in my dreams, each single night. 于是又见远山,山顶白雪皑皑,山涧清澈可鉴,带着拂面的清风和温顺的羊群,带着一段平静而永恒的回忆,每一夜伴着漫天的星辉回到梦中来。”
And there is the rub: even if they sit at the end of a chain of suppliers and manufacturers and merchants that begins 10,000 miles away in China, US companies can be held liable in US courts for tabby's suffering. 难就难在这儿:在始于万里之外的中国的供应-制造-贸易链条上,尽管美国公司位于末端,但它们仍有可能在美国的法庭上被判对宠物猫的遭遇负责。
And there is, again, the complication of neighbours. 还有,不得不再提到邻国因素。
And there it shall stay, for I have no further use for it. 就让它呆在那里吧,因为我再也用不着它了。
And there it was, all overgrown with thorns; Its surface was covered with nettles, And its stone wall was broken down. 31看哪,到处长满了荆棘,刺草遮盖了田面,石墙也坍塌了。
And there lies the real reason why China is so friendless. 这是中国如此不友好的真实原因。
And there may be a required number of hours to spend logged on each day. 并且需要学生每天花一定时间来登录学习。
And there occurred a great uproar; and some of the scribes of the Pharisaic party stood up and began to argue heatedly, saying, We find nothing wrong with this man; suppose a spirit or an angel has spoken to him? 徒23:9于是大大的喧嚷起来.有几个法利赛党的文士站起来、争辩说、我们看不出这人有甚麽恶处、倘若有鬼魂、或是天使、对他说过话、怎麽样呢。
And there ran a man of Benjamin out of the army, and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes rent, and with earth upon his head. 撒上4:12当日有一个便雅悯人从阵上逃跑、衣服撕裂、头蒙灰尘、来到示罗。

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