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I explained to them that I was not interested.

I explained my meaning shortly but clearly. 我简单明了地解释了我的意思。
I explained that I did not do it because of his novels, since except for The Chalet of the Roses, which I had liked very much, what interested me about him were the audacity of his mind and his verbal talents, but only as a kind of rhythmic gymnastics for 我的理解:我提到他倒不是因为他的小说,除了很喜欢《玫瑰之屋》外,我最感兴趣的是他思想的大胆和语言上的才能,(不是这些东西本身有多了不起,而是说,)对学习写作来说,这是种(很有益的)节奏操练。
I explained that her tardiness was unacceptable and that other employees had noticed that she was walking in late every day. 我告诉她,她的迟到是不能被公司接受的而且其他员工已经注意到她每天早上的晚到。
I explained to her that I had no parents. 我向她解释说我没有父母。
I explained to her what had happened in front of the whole class the day. 我把那天上解剖课发生的整件事告许她。
I explained to them that I was not interested. 我向他们说明我不感兴趣。
I explore Honolulu's Bishop Museum the next day. 隔天,我参观了檀香山的主教博物馆。
I explored with my mind how to stimulate my body with wine while my mind was guiding me wisely, and how to take hold of folly, until I could see what good there is for the sons of men to do under heaven the few years of their lives. 传2:3我心里察究、如何用酒使我肉体舒畅、我心却仍以智慧引导我.又如何持住愚昧、等我看明世人、在天下一生当行何事为美。
I expound integration of community resources and consolidation of preschool education in the aspects of its origin, strategy and effects. 本人从整合社区资源加强幼儿学前教育的提出、策略、成效等几个方面做了阐述.
I express the sincere appreciation to friends and the media, national and international, who have been concerned and supporting “China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Legal Affairs Forum”. 向关注与支持“中国—东盟自由贸易区法律事务论坛”的各位朋友、中外媒体表示衷心的感谢。
I expressed my commiserations on his misfortune. 我对他的不幸表示同情.

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