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10 years working experience as a fitter in heavy industry. Should have experience of assembling critical components, different torque tools etc.

10 years on and a great britain is a politically correct, unjust, over-governed, over-taxed and unrecognisable shadow of its former self. 十年以来,一个大英帝国是一个政治上正确,但是不公正,过度统治,过度税收,和以前的英国比起来判若两人的国家。
10 years passed before he is called again to the abbot: You can say two words. And he says: No heat. 20年又过去了,他又被主持叫去问:『你可以说两个字.』而他说:『太冷.』
10 years professional experience in production skate, owned plants 5000 8372. machinery production water production, advertising and products to network users reputation direct, efficient, low-cost, and therefore price 20% lower than the same product cate 10年专业溜冰鞋生产经验,自有厂房5000米2,机器制作流水生产,产品以网络广告与用户口碑直销,高效率,低成本,因此售价比同类产品低20%以上。
10 years work experience in Olefins and/or Nitriles plant or R&D center of petrochemical plant. 10年的石油化工行业烯烃产品或腈类产品研发中心的工作经验。
10 years work experience in plastic plant or R&D center of petrochemical plant. 10年的塑料加工企业或石化企业研发中心的工作经验。
10 years working experience as a fitter in heavy industry. Should have experience of assembling critical components, different torque tools etc. 10年重工业装配工工作经验。有装配重要工件,使用不同力矩工具的经验。
10 years working experience as a warehouseman in heavy industry. Should have experience of using ERP system, packing activities etc. 10年重工业仓库保管工作经验。使用ERP系统,包装的经验。
10 years working experience in a millturn machining industries. 10年金属机加工车铣工作经验。
10 yuan. Altogether 1010 yuan. Keep your money order well, the withdrawal code is on it. 10元。一共是1010元。请您拿好汇款单,取款密码在单子上。
100 High and Low Pass electronic filters to help tailor the sound to your hearing. 100个滤波器根据您的听力对声音进行“量体裁衣”。
100 How long is the ticket valid? 这车票有效期多久?

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