Every member of our club should take notice of the point that some members had the deviation to our activities consciously.How to solve this problem,I thought the key was each member could set himself an example to others,do their work well and meamwhile,
俱乐部的每个成员应该都注意到了这一点,那就是有一部分人对俱乐部开展的活动还存在意识的偏差,如何才能解决这个问题,我觉得关键在于每个俱乐部成员都能够以身作则,在做好自己本职工作的同时,多关注俱乐部的发展与建设。 |
Every member of the tribe is equal.
部落的每一个成员都是相等的。 |
Every metre really does count when you are close to traffic.
当你离来往车辆很近的时候,每一米距离都很重要。 |
Every mile of this road northward from Sianfu evokes memories of the rich and colorful pageant of his people.
在这条从西安府北去的大道上,每走一里路都会勾起他对本民族丰富多彩的绚烂历史的回忆。 |
Every minute I have spent here impressed me with the friendship your people cherish for our people.
我在这里度过的每一分钟都使我感到你们人民对我国人民所怀的友情。 |
Every minute a woman dies as a result of pregnancy complications.
每分钟都有一名妇女因怀孕并发症而死亡。 |
Every minute or so he was compelled to rest.
每走一两分钟,他就必须停下来休息。 |
Every minute starts an hour.
每一小时都从分分秒秒开始。 |
Every minute we experience in life tells us that life cannot be accidental.
生命中的每一刻经历,都在告诉我们,生命不可能是偶然的。 |
Every minute, I'm figuring out how the world works. I'm not sure I like it, but I know that I'm hardly powerless in all this.
每时每刻,我都在不断领悟着这个世界的运转规律。我不敢肯定我喜欢这样,但是我知道这不是我可以控制的。 |
Every minute, in our minds, from death to Rising, you are the Lord, the Messiah.
分分秒秒,你在我们的心中,从死亡到复活,你是耶和华弥赛亚。 |