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An old jeep is putter along the road.

An old friend called on me the day before yesterday. 前天一位老朋友来找过我。
An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street. 一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。
An old goat comes up to them and says, You are both right. 一只老山羊走了过来,对他们说:你们说得都对。
An old gramophone record of one of those songs would take a bit of finding. 那些歌中任何一首旧唱片都很不易弄到手。
An old house can be made modern by making improvements. 老屋做些改善可成为近代化的。
An old jeep is putter along the road. 一辆旧吉普车沿路迤逦而来。
An old laundry basket bought at a flea market turned out to be more than a bargain for a woman in southern Germany, when she found two savings accounts books and cash totaling around 200,000 Deutschmarks. 在跳蚤市场买到的一只旧洗衣篮对德国南部的一名妇女来说,变成不仅是一个便宜东西而已,她发现里面有两本储蓄帐户的存摺与现金,共计约二十万德国马克。
An old lead coin looks like it was plated with silver. 一枚古老的铅币看起来象是镀了银。
An old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly. 旧机器如果不经常加油是 不能正常运转的.
An old man claimed the watch. 一位老人认领了那块手表。
An old man happened to walk by the pond. 一个老人碰巧经过池塘。

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