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Therefore, active measures to cope with anti-evading investigation, the new harrier of the international trade, should be Taken.

Therefore, a review of the social codes and norms of ancient China and foreign countries concerning the position of creditors and debtors is beneficial to the reaffirmation of their respective positions, and it is also helpful the rebuilding of a credit s 因此,重温中外古代法典对债权人和债务人的历史定位,从社会理念上恢复和确认债权人的历史地位,对于我们重建整个社会信用体系有一定的借鉴和参考价值。
Therefore, a this should be paid attention to and solved in the training of the players. 身体接触是“抢花炮”对抗的主要方式,对抗的规律最为复杂,成为运动员训练重点解决的问题。
Therefore, a tithi beginning after dawn one day and expiring before dawn the next day is eliminated, not being counted in that month, and there is a break in the day sequence. 因此,一个提泰开始于一天的黎明之后,终止于次日的黎明之前,第二天被排除,并把计算在那个月内,日期次序中出现了缺口。
Therefore, accomplishing the human resource goals of an organization requires close coordination between the human resource department and operating managers. 因此,实现组织的人力资源目标需要人力资源部门和运营经理之间的紧密协调。
Therefore, accurate foul shooting is an imperative skill for small forwards, many of whom record a large portion of their points from the foul line. 所以准确地罚球能力对于小前锋来说是及其必要的,许多的小前锋从罚球线上拿到大量的分数。
Therefore, active measures to cope with anti-evading investigation, the new harrier of the international trade, should be Taken. 面对这一现象,我们应采取措施积极应对反规避调查这一国际贸易新壁垒。
Therefore, acupuncture therapy has a remarkable healing effect on acute and subacute cerebral hemorrhage, not only reducing the level of disability but also shortening the period of treatment. 所以针刺治疗对脑出血急性期甚至是发作期有显著的治疗作用,不仅能减轻致残程度,而且能缩短治疗时间。
Therefore, after tasseling whether the nutrient supply is adequate or not will greatly influence the formation of grains, especially for the high-yielding cultivars of which the amounts of accumulative dry matter in reproductive organ account for a wide p 因此,抽雄后养分供应是否充足将极大影响籽粒形成,特别是高产品种,生殖器官中干物质积累量占总积累量的很大部分,所以抽雄期充足施肥至关重要。
Therefore, aim at that problem launch to criticize in scholarship from compare law, administrative law, constitution and lawmaking purpose, not only benefit to the official servant system oneself perfect and positive development, but also willing provide 因此,针对该问题展开比较法、行政法、宪法以及立法目的意义仁的学术反思,不但有利于公务员制度自身的完善与良性发展,而且必将会对我国时下的宪政改革和法治建设提供智识支持。
Therefore, air conditioners and similar single-function entities are reduced to a control problem. 因此,空气调节器和类似单一行为的实体被简化为控制问题。
Therefore, all backflow preventers have to be tested periodically to ensure that they are functioning properly. 因此,所有防回流阀必须定期检测,以确保功能正常。

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