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The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.

The script won't play well. 那个剧本不适于在舞台上演出。
The scriptwriter will write hundreds of scripts that require the opening of a file, but will only consciously care about how the file is being opened in a few of those scripts. 脚本编写者会编写上百个需要打开文件的脚本,但他只会有意识地关注少数脚本中的文件是怎样被打开的。
The scrutinising committee, set up by Science itself, recognised that the journal's staff and reviewers had followed the agreed procedures, and had even made extra efforts to clarify the details of what was bound to be a paper of great public interest. 《科学》杂志成立了一个审核委员会,以确保杂志社的职员和评论者遵循既定规则,甚至做出额外努力,来甄别那些必将引起广泛公众兴趣的论文细节的真假。
The sculptor belongs to the Renaissance school. 这个雕刻家属于文艺复兴流派。
The sculptor carved a figure of a sitting boy out of stone. 这位雕刻家用石头雕刻了一尊坐着的男童像。
The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue. 雕刻家把大理石块凿成优美的雕像.
The sculptor completed his work on a sudden inspiration. 那个雕刻家灵感一来就完成了作品。
The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus. 那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。
The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman. 雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。
The sculpture is the mythical unicorn. 这雕塑就是神话中的独角兽。
The sculpture of Rodia's abound in sensibility character,insist innervation,idolize represent running ray.Who is a sculptor to holds sense think and sensation factor combines so felicity . 罗丹的雕塑富于感性特征,强调动感,醉心于表现流动的光线.他是一个把理性思考和感情因素如此恰当结合的雕塑家.

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