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When is not suitable for bedmaking?

When is has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. 我是专门搞石油的,寻找石油比其他任何采矿业对改进钻探作的贡献都要大。
When is her new novel coming out ? 她的新小说何时问世?
When is it convenient for you? 您何时方便呢?
When is lovelorn, only then 2 kind of possibilities, either you like her her not loving you, or opposite. 失恋时,只有2种可能,要么你爱她她不爱你,或者相反。
When is most convenient for you? 你什么时候最方便?
When is not suitable for bedmaking? 在何时不宜铺床?
When is the Joyous Farmer’s House closing? 农家乐什么时候结束营业?
When is the assignment due? 作业什么时候交?
When is the best time for me to have reconstruction? At the same time as the mastectomy? Some time after surgery? After chemotherapy? 什麽时候是我做乳房重建手术的最好时间?在乳房切除手术的同时?在手术之后?
When is the earliest possible date you can deliver the goods? 你方最早什么时候可以装运?
When is the earliest we can expect shipment? 最早什么时候可以交货呢?

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