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Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything.

Some will cite this as proof that a policy of sanctions is self-defeating. 有些人会引用此言来证明制裁政策是自我挫败的。
Some will wear vests filled with chilled gel, others will dunk their hands in icewater just before competing and nearly all will be wearing fabrics designed with hot weather in mind. 有些人将会穿上充满冰胶的背心,还有的人在比赛前会把手浸在冰水里,几乎所有人都会穿上为抵挡炎热天气而设计的布料。
Some wire fences can be dangerous for young goats. 有些电线栏栅对小山羊是有危害的。
Some wise warriors employ even stranger methods, like street-savvy trickery, political activism and cunning intrigue. 有些聪明的战士甚至用奇怪的方法作战,就像街头诈术、政治手腕和狡猾的诡计。
Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs. 有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,做爱时依然不采取防御措施。
Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything. 妻子常常认为她们的丈夫无比聪明能干。
Some women blush when they are kissed; some call for the police; some swear; some bite; but the worst are those who laugh. 有的女孩被吻时会脸红,有的会报警,有的会破口大骂,有的还会咬人。可最要命的却是那些哈哈大笑的。
Some women hate coming home to a horny husband. 有些女性讨厌回家面对好色的丈夫。
Some women have bad influence upon their husbands. 有些妇女对其丈夫有坏影响。
Some women never act very ladylike. 有些女人的举止从来不像一个女人。
Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer. 一些妇女吃阿司匹林以防(避开)乳腺癌。

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