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I am vacant very much today.

I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. 我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只有一次我可给吓怕了。
I am using Toshiba Satellite 2410 to install....but fail at installation stage. 你是在安装前还是在安装后遇到这样的问题?
I am using a three-band five-element beam. 我用的是三波段五单元定向天线。
I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 我完全相信你的忠诚。
I am utterly fatigued. 我完全累坏了。
I am vacant very much today. 今天我很有闲(空)。
I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day. 3保罗说,我原是犹太人,生在基利家的大数,长在这城里,在迦玛列门下,按着我们祖宗严紧的律法受教,热心事奉神,像你们众人今日一样。
I am very anti-discriminate. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。
I am very bullish on all agriculture including wheat and corn. 我非常看好所有农产品,包括小麦和玉米。
I am very confident of oneself and I also hope you can give me a chance to show the talent! 我对自己很有信心,也希望你能给我一个展示才华的机会!
I am very envious of you. 我非常羡慕你。

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