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His bad manners grate on my nerves.

His background parallels that of his predecessor. 他的背景和前任的人类似。
His bad eyesight exempted him from military service. 他因视力不好而免服兵役.
His bad health is a great disadvantage to him. 他身体不好是他的不利之处。
His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair. 他的残腿注定了他不得不成天坐在轮椅上。
His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair. 他的残腿使他离不开轮椅。
His bad manners grate on my nerves. 他没有礼貌让我心烦.
His ball is newer than mine. 89他的球比我的新。
His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston, which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk s office in Texas, where Chiao normally resides. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。
His banishment shocked us all. 他被驱逐使我们很震惊。
His bank savings, with his wife's jewels, amount to three million dollars. 他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。
His barber laid it on the line to him about the best course of action to pursue. 他的理发师坦白告诉他该采取何种最佳行动。

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