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The writ of Iraq's new central government is weak, running barely at all in some of the provinces inhabited largely by the Sunni Arabs.

The wrecked vessel disappeared beneath the waves. 失事船舶在波涛下面消失了。
The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent (to the canvas). 那摔角手把对方摔倒(在地)了.
The wrestler's testimony manifests that he has large estates. 角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产.
The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily. 可怜的屠夫抓针并且笨拙缝它。
The wretched man is a prisoner of his own greed. 这个可恶的人被他自己的贪欲所囿。
The writ of Iraq's new central government is weak, running barely at all in some of the provinces inhabited largely by the Sunni Arabs. 伊拉克的新政府很弱势,在一些逊尼派阿拉伯人为主的省份,政令几乎完全不通。
The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张.
The writer also failed to mention that no evidence supports the opposition claims, making a hollow pretense of the sound journalistic ethic of balance in assigning equal weight to nonsense claims, and using the phrase the police saidas if no investigation 在文章尾端,该文作者提到2004年时一个泛蓝支持者试图暗杀陈水扁与吕秀莲的事件,并下了这样的注解:「反对势力指控该暗杀事件是事先安排以赢得同情票的」。
The writer also recommends solutions on how to tackle the problems involved in terminological translation through the process of conceptual analysis and equivalence comparison by taking into consideration the essential characteristics of the source term v 译者如能翻译过程中就原词和译入词的构成特性逐一作概念分析及对等比较将可提高其译入语的准确度。
The writer analyses the current condition of the education of information literacy in high school and primary school of our country, and thinks that county public library have the advantage in the education of information literacy by the methods of improv 本文分析了我国中小学目前信息素养教育现状,分析了县级公共图书馆开展信息素养教育的优势,通过形象教育、网络教育、培训辅导等途径,实现中小学生的信息素养教育。
The writer and speaker is from the USA. 那位作家和那位演说家来自美国。

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