Spatial continuum inside the architecture represents a strong feeling of mobility.
管中设有坡道、楼梯、电梯与自动扶梯,使得游人可选择不同的路径,参观、交流、休息。 |
Spatial disorders are a heterogeneous collection of disorders frequently encountered following brain damage to either hemisphere.
摘要脑伤病患常会显现各种空间障碍。 |
Spaying and neutering of stray or feral cats will cut down on transmission in these cat populations.
如果帮流浪猫咪结育可以减少此疾病在此猫群的传播. |
Speak English as much as possible, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.
敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误。人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,只要敢说,就一定能学好。 |
Speak Well, Be Understood.
好英语,利沟通。 |
Speak a word for thy ideal.
说与你理想相符的话。 |
Speak and learn about the world at the same time!
畅谈人间万,知晓时事风云! |
Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Do not shout or mumble.
用清晰温和的语调说话。不要吼叫或喃喃自语。 |
Speak clearly and directly into the mouthpiece.
说话要对着话筒,吐字要清晰。 |
Speak clearly into the microphone.
对著话筒说清楚些. |
Speak clearly,so they may understand you.
说得清楚一些,好让他们听懂你的话。 |