The retired legend follows former rival Fernando Alonso (2005) in winning the gong, which was awarded to him in recognition of his humanitarian work and record-breaking sporting success.
已退役的传奇车王继前竞争对手阿隆索(2005)之后赢得该奖,这项奖是为了表彰他为人道主义所做的工作及屡破纪录的运动成绩。 |
The retired seven-time world champion has been present at many of this season's races in his role as a consultant to his former team, but has remained tight-lipped on both Ferrari's fortunes and the wider matters of moment in F1.
这个赛季,已退役的七冠王以法拉利赛车顾问的身份多次出现在赛场上,但是他一直都对法拉利的命运和F1的现状保持沉默。 |
The retirement watch, an engraved timepiece, is often given to a retiree as a reward for years of service to a firm.
退休纪念表是一种刻有字的表,通常由公司赠送给退休的人,以奖励他们长期以来为公司所做的贡献。 |
The retiring miner delivered his pneumatic drill over to his successor.
这位即将退休的矿工把风钻移交给他的接班人。 |
The retiring professor was exalted by his colleagues.
这位即将退休的教授受到了同事们的赞扬。 |
The retiring superstar brought shame on his nation when sent off in extra time of the penalty shoot-out defeat to Italy, having felled Marco Materazzi with a headbutt.
这位就要退役的巨星在与意大利决赛的加时赛中用头冲撞对方球员马特拉齐而被驱逐出场,齐达内的缺阵给法国队造成了不利影响。 |
The retraining of primary militiamen who have performed active service or have received military training and the military training for ordinary militiamen and for soldiers in reserve service who are not regimented into militia organizations shall be cond
服过现役和受过军事训练的基干民兵的复习训练,普通民兵和未编入民兵组织的预备役士兵的军事训练,按照中央军事委员会的规定进行。 |
The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges across the Rhine river to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany.
正在撤退的德国军队设法炸毁莱茵河上所有的桥梁来阻挡联军越过莱茵河进入德国。 |
The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges on the Rhine River to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany.
正在撤退的德军试图炸毁莱茵河上所有的桥梁来阻挡联军越过进入德国。 |
The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges on the Rhine River to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany.
正在撤退的德军设法炸毁莱茵河上所有的桥梁来阻挡联军越过进入德国。 |
The retribution of a Kingsguard is a frightening thing to behold.
身为御林铁卫的缺点就是处处令人畏惧。 |