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This paper proposes a gradually filtering multi-engine han-m in machine translation architecture.

This paper proposed consult ideas about how to increase the pehtze production rate and improve the protein utilization ratio of raw materials. 就如何提高原料蛋白质利用率及白坯出坯率提出了参考意见。
This paper proposed the technology for safety control in organic chlorination process based upon the engineering application and principal reasons from the safety accidents. 摘要结合氯化反应的工程应用,对有机氯化反应过程安全事故的形成原因进行了初步分析,并提出了反应过程安全控制的技术方法。
This paper proposed to estimate the types and changes of population density spatial structure of the three metropolitan areas: Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, during the year of 1976and 1989, the cubic-spline function approach is applied. 摘要本文主要利用三次云形函数测试台北、台中、高雄三个都会区民国65年和78年间人口密度空间结构的型态及其变化。
This paper proposes (develops, extends) a new approach for the analysis of tolerance. 本文提出了一种分析容错的新方法。
This paper proposes a fast mosaic algorithm based on scan line filling. The experiments show that the proposed approach greatly improves the efficiency and is very valuable to practice. 摘要基于扫描线填充算法,提出了一种快速镶嵌算法,试验表明其可以明显提高镶嵌处理的效率,具有很强的实用价值。
This paper proposes a gradually filtering multi-engine han-m in machine translation architecture. 本文提出了基于逐次筛选法的多引擎汉彝机器翻译系统结构。
This paper proposes a language-independent text categorization model based on machine learning, and describes the feature extraction, classifier and evaluation method in detail. 本文提出了一个基于机器学习的、独立于语种的文本分类模型,并对模型中的特征抽取、分类器和评价方法进行了详细的介绍。
This paper proposes a method for measurement of initial position of motor rotor. 电机的初始位置不仅影响伺服系统的定位精度,而且会对电机的启动性能造成一定的影响。
This paper proposes a method of genetic algorithm (GA) based neural network for feature selection that retains sufficient information for classification purposes. 摘要本文提出以基因演算法为基础之类神经网络,在分类问题上进行特征值筛选以维持足够之信息。
This paper proposes a model which can dispose, judge and analyse the factor about fertilize through computer according as perennial experimentation of fertilization in Ningxia, realized the automatization and the rationalization of all kind of crop's fert 摘要以智能化农业信息处理系统的科研项目为背景,依据宁夏长期的施肥试验结果,将与施肥有关的因素通过计算机处理、判断、分析,实现了各种作物施肥配方的自动化、合理化。
This paper proposes a new algorithm for curvature calculation at discrete points, considering both total revolving and partial twisting of the FBG sensors in order to enhance the curve-fitting accuracy. 该文提出了一种在光纤光栅传感器基材整体旋转或扭转情况下得到离散点曲率的算法,从而提高重建精度。

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