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Your compliments is worth no penny.

Your company produces a new product, it pays to advertise. 你们公司生产了一种新产品,值得做做广告。
Your company's accounting firm. 那是你们公司用的会计公司。
Your company's stock can become a currencythat can be used to acquire other companies or incentivize employees and management. Financial and accounting challenges are also present. 你的公司的股票由此成为可流通的,可以用来吞并其他公司或者奖励职工和管理人员。资金和财务会计上的挑战也同时存在。
Your complaint has been notified today, 10th of July 2006 to the Licensee. This date counts as the date of commencement of the proceedings. 您的抱怨已经在今天,2006年7月10日通知到当事人(就是老牛你啦),这个日期将作为这个过程的第一天(就是从7.10算起的意思)。
Your complaint must be made through the proper channels. 你的意见必须通过正当途径投诉.
Your compliments is worth no penny. 你的恭维不值一分钱.
Your composition contains too many mistakes; write anew. 你的作文错误太多,重新写。
Your composition has improved tremendously. 你的作文已大有进步。
Your composition is good except for the spelling. 107你的作文甚好,只是拼写有错误。
Your composition is well written in a way. 从某种程度上来说,你的作文写得还是不错的。
Your computer is a great tool. 你的电脑是个好工具。

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