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At first, some preparative methods of magnetic microsphere were summarized, including physical and chemical methods such as spray evaporation, heat treatment, emulsion polymerization, self-assembly and so on.

At first, our activities will include our already popular English Corners in LaoWaiTan, a new hiking club, a book club, a women's’ fitness club, a sports club and a charity football program for young people. 首先,中国老外网的活动将包括我们现有的老外滩唐宁街英语角和中国老外网英语角,全新的徒步旅行俱乐部,图书俱乐部,女性健身俱乐部,运动俱乐部和为年轻人而组织的慈善足球联赛。
At first, patients have trouble remembering little things. 首先,病人会记不住一些小事情。
At first, plan on working on your own. 首先,为自己的工作制定一个计划。
At first, plants would turn dark green but soon the top leaves would progress through typical K symptoms to bronzing and leaf curl. 最初植株变得深绿,但很快上部叶片就会经历典型缺钾症状出现青铜症和卷叶。
At first, regarding the product quality, we have completed adequate process/product qualification for both with this yellow wireand w/o yellow wire. 首先,就产品质量而言,不论是“采用黄线”还是“不采用黄线”,我们均已经完成充分的流程和产品品质检验。
At first, some preparative methods of magnetic microsphere were summarized, including physical and chemical methods such as spray evaporation, heat treatment, emulsion polymerization, self-assembly and so on. 首先介绍磁性微球的几种制备方法,包括喷雾干燥、热处理等物理方法,以及乳液聚合、自组装等化学方法。
At first, the author discusses the nature of metaphors and three functions for metaphors in science: rhetorical, heuristic, and cognitive function. 布雷德讨论了隐喻的性质以及隐喻在科学中的三种功能:修辞性、启发性及认知性。
At first, the data surface is partitioned into small blocks, and points in each block are reorganized into error-controlled LODs by hierarchical clustering and LOD organization. 首先对输入模型进行分块处理,获取的每一分块分别建立误差控制下的多分辨率数据结构。
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly then slowly he quieted down till nothing more was heard. 一开始,当驴子意识到发生了什么时,不禁失声痛哭;然后驴子渐渐安静下来直到没有一点声音。
At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. 最初,这些音乐伴奏与电影没有什么特别的关系,用什么曲子伴奏都行。
At first, the other races were not even aware of the dwarves. 最初,其他种族甚至不知道矮人族的存在。

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