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If God wanted us to bend over, he'd put diamonds on the floor.

If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. 如果上帝将我们的生活安排的一帆风顺,没有一点障碍,会使我们残缺不全。
If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him. 32神要因自己荣耀人子,并且要快快的荣耀他。
If God considered woman a helpmeet for man, he must have had a very poor opinion of man. 如果上帝认为女人是男人的贤内助,他应该很看不起男人.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. 如果上帝不存在,也有必要造出一个来。
If God is not an Italy fan, why the sky is blue and the cloud is white? 如果我不是米兰的球迷,为什么我的血是红色的,而我的眼睛又是黑色的!
If God wanted us to bend over, he'd put diamonds on the floor. 如果上帝想让我们弯腰,他会在地上扔宝石。
If God was inspiring the translation process of the Book of Mormon, why were 4,000 changes necessary? 如果神驱使了《摩门经》的翻译过程,为什麽还需要更动超过四千个地方呢?
If God were to close the door on you, He would leave a window open. 应该是;上帝为你关了这扇门必会为你再开一口窗。
If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him. 13神必不收回他的怒气。扶助拉哈伯的,屈身在他以下。
If Gollum had contrived to follow them, he remained unseen and unheard. 如果咕噜仍然穷追不舍,那他的身形和动静都掩饰得很好。
If Habermas's discussethics and deliberative political theory indicates that the political-ethical turning of critical theory is achieved to an extent, his theory of recognition and his visualization of multi-justice symbols that the political-ethical tur 如果说,哈贝马斯话语伦理学、商谈政治理论,意味着批判理论的“政治伦理转向”一定程度实现;那么,霍耐特承认理论及其多元正义构想,则标志着批判理论的“政治伦理转向”最终完成。

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