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Dashan: Do the girls on the team play as aggressively as the boys?

Dash it ! I've cut my hand on a broken bottle. 可恶!我的手给破瓶子割破了。
Dash off a letter; dash down a glass of juice. 仓促地写完一封信;匆忙地喝下一瓶果汁
Dash out and get one! 赶紧带一个回家吧!
Dashan&Rumei&Yunbo: Medium, please. 三人齐声说:要不老不嫩的。
Dashan: Christopher, who's your favourite hockey player? 大山:克里斯托弗,你最喜欢的冰球队员是谁?
Dashan: Do the girls on the team play as aggressively as the boys? 大山:女队员像男孩一样善战吗?
Dashan: Do you sell a lot of computer softwares to the United States? 大山:你们向美国出口很多软件吗?
Dashan: Do you use oil paints? 大山:你是画油画吗?
Dashan: Does the hotel have a coffee shop? 大山:酒店里有咖啡厅吗?
Dashan: Excuse me. How much does it cost for a subway ticket? 大山:劳驾,请问地铁票多少钱一张?
Dashan: Excuse me. Is it okay to take photos of the paintings in the gallery? 大山:请问,美术馆里的展品可以拍照吗?

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