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Ex: Nobody has any complaint.

Ex: I envy Xiao Li her large vocabulary. 我羡慕小李词汇量那么大。
Ex: I saw a new kind of kitty litter advertised last night on television. 例句:我昨晚在电视上看到一个新型小猫样式的垃圾桶广告。
Ex: It never entered my mind that the much admired TV star was a secret agent. 我没有想到那位倍受崇拜的电视明星是个间谍。
Ex: Let me relieve you of this heavy box. 让我来帮你拿这个承重的盒子。
Ex: Many high school boys fall for the young singer. 许多高中男生迷恋那位年轻歌手。
Ex: Nobody has any complaint. 谁都没有抱怨。
Ex: One of my fondest childhood memories is making the scented sachets before Dragon Boat Festivals. 我儿时回忆中最喜爱的是在端午节前制作香包!
Ex: The Danube River flows through many countries of southern Europe. 译:多瑙河流经南欧许多国家。
Ex: The President's secretary, or rather, his daughter, arranged all his engagements. 总统的秘书,更确切地说是他女儿,为他安排一切活动。
Ex: The chairman cut the speaker off when he exceeded the time limit. 那个演讲者超过时间规定,主持人就让他停止。
Ex: The man pulled a pistol from under the pillow. 那人从枕头底下掏出一把手枪。

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