Despite what others say, I think he's a very nice chap.
不管别人怎麽说,我仍认为他这个人很好. |
Despite what she says, I don‘t believe the news.
不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。 |
Despite what your subconscious may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.
不管你的潜意识告诉你什么,你都能够拥有无尽的爱,关键是首先你要无条件地爱自己。 |
Despite what your subconscious may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.
诚对己也建立在以前的行为上,你以后的行动将会以事实为基础,而不只是你的言词。 |
Despite wide graphic differences, their uniformity of content clearly records a single reading of an unbroken tradition.
尽管记录上有太多图形上的不同,他们统一的内容清楚的记录了一种单一的完整的传统的读法。 |
Despite widespread claims that China's economy is overheating, actually India's shows more signs of boiling over.
虽然外界普遍认为中国经济过热,但实际上有更多迹象表明,印度经济正在沸腾。 |
Despite widespread poverty across the east African nation of 32 million people, that Sort of price is affordable for many and underpins the roaring success in the last two decades of the second-hand clothes trade.
仅管这个拥有三千两百万人口的东非国家普遍贫穷,这样的价格还是有许多人负担得起,也说明了二手衣服生意过去二十年来获致了极大成功。 |
Despite winning at least 45 games in three of their past four seasons and having two bona fide superstars with Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming, Houston has been unable to get past the first round of the Western Conference playoffs since 1998.
尽管在过去四个赛季中,有三个赛季的常规赛战绩都达到了45胜以上,而且队中拥有双星姚麦,但自98年开始,火箭却始终无法突破西部季后赛首轮。 |
Despite working hard, he failed again.
尽管很努力,他还是又失败了。 |
Despite years of tweaking, it never ran reliably.
这项系统虽然经过多年的调整,但一直都不可靠。 |
Despite yielding higher productivity, the farmland has paid a huge price.
尽管产量提高了,但耕地却付出了沉重的代价。 |