Improve quality, cut cost, speed up for competitive edge.
提高质量……控制成本、追求速度以获取竞争优势。 |
Improve senescence of skin, keep skin wet and pinch pore. Relaxation.
能防止肌肤老化,保湿,收敛毛孔,舒缓一天的压力。 |
Improve sleeping appetite and immune ability.
可以改善睡眠,增进食欲,提升免疫力。 |
Improve the ambience and have dinner by candlelight, saving the electricity.
烛光晚餐有氛围,节约用电何乐而不为? |
Improve the cough, tussiculation , asthma and dyspnea due to chill, damp and evil factors.
可改善因风寒湿邪造成的咳嗽、乾咳、哮喘、气喘等症。 |
Improve the efficiency of sales operating and reduce cost.
提高运作效率,降低成本。 |
Improve the modern market system and tighten and improve macroeconomic control.
(五)健全现代市场体系,加强和完善宏观调控。 |
Improve the operation and management mechanism, define the business development strategy and focus, strengthen financial position, upgrade the risk management system, and tighten internal control.
完善了经营管理机制,明晰了业务发展战略和重点,夯实了财务基础,改善了风险管理体系,加强了内控监督机制。 |
Improve the operation procedure and standard management level.
完善运作流程,提高销售部规范化管理水平。 |
Improve the production process continuously.
持续改进生产流程。 |
Improve the quality of the locals. Expose them to the outside world. Widen their vision and develop a broader mind.
分析:为了迎接2008年奥运会,北京政府加大了对基础设施的投入,环境不断得以改善,人民的生活质量也得到了明显提高。 |