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Delayed or missed diagnosis usually brings ominous outcomes, not only to the patient but also the cohabitants.

Delay in transport of the victims was a significant problem. 受难者在运输中的延误是个重大问题。
Delay is not permissible, even for a single day. 不得延误, 即使一日亦不可.
Delay will only make it more painful to let go of the tiger's tail. 拖延只会让放开老虎尾巴的后果更严重。
Delayed computed tomography scan with excretory phase revealed contrast medium extravasation from the left UPJ, and left renal pelvis rupture was diagnosed. 但在延迟性的电脑断层检查后发现,显影剂由左侧肾盂输尿管接合处渗出,所以诊断为左侧肾盂破裂。
Delayed menarche, dysmenorrheal. Can conceive, delivered mostly girls. 多有月经初潮偏迟,痛经史。曾经生育的大多是女孩儿。
Delayed or missed diagnosis usually brings ominous outcomes, not only to the patient but also the cohabitants. 错误或者仅是延迟诊断,不但危及患者的生命,甚至其共同居住者也有危险。
Delaying their retirement by raising the pensionable age might make sense. 通过提高领取退休金的年龄来延缓他们的退休可能是有意义的。
Delays can also be reduced because more aircraft can land safely in bad weather instead of having to divert to another airport. 因为更多飞机可以在恶劣天气里不用转航其他机场而安全降落,航班延误也会减少。
Delays in America last year were the worst ever and could this year break even that grim record. 去年,美国的航班延误情况是有史以来最糟的;而今年,这个可怕的记录甚至会被打破。
Delegate A: I must say, that last speech was a long-winded one. 我得说,刚才的演讲实在是够冗长的了。
Delegate A: I'm with Transitex International. 我是在传斯特克斯国际公司服务。

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