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The past twenty years have witnessed great development in the study of volcanic sedimentation, both theoretical and methodological.

The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. 昔日预言于大声声称战争是刻出明日和平的贫穷的凿刀。
The past left deep prints on him. 过去在他身上留下了深深的印痕。
The past six months fell into two distinct periods. 过去6个月可分为两个截然不同的阶段。
The past ten weeks were the happiest weeks so far. 过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。
The past twenty years have witnessed favorable development as well as deficiencies in China's government informationization. 摘要我国的政府信息化建设经过20多年的探索,有经验,有教训,有起步的基础,也有许多不足。
The past twenty years have witnessed great development in the study of volcanic sedimentation, both theoretical and methodological. 火山沈积作用是介于火山学和沈积学之间的边缘研究领域。
The past year due to hacker attacks there have been 5 total blocks of the site. 去年一年,由于遭到黑客攻击,导致该神社网页瘫痪了5次。
The past year has been one to relish for fans of burgernomics. 过去的一年令汉堡包经济学的拥护者十分高兴。
The past year was full of troubles. 过去的一年充满着困难。
The pastor escorted Miss Betty Ray in to meet the pseudo-angelic-looking group. 贝蒂·雷小姐去见这一群看起来像假天使一样的孩子们的时候,教区牧师亲自为她护驾。
The pastor let the phone ring many times. 牧师让电话响了好多遍,觉得很奇怪为什么她不接电话?

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