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Will I dance for You, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?

Will I be able to get a refund on this cancellation? 我取消后可以拿回定金吗?
Will I be able to walk up to any workstation and automatically get to my files? 我能到任意一台工作站上取我的文件吗?
Will I be tan after the first session? 晒一次后就变黑了吗?
Will I clash with Mary if I go off at the beginning of July? 如果我七月初离开,会和玛丽发生冲突吗?
Will I come round perhaps have daying?! 或许有天我会想通吧?!
Will I dance for You, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? 是为了您的仁慈而翩翩起舞,还是为了您的敬畏而肃穆?
Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? 13我岂吃公牛的肉呢。我岂喝山羊的血呢。
Will I ever measure up to your expectations ? 我有可能达得到你的期望吗?
Will I ever see, you smiling back at me? 我是否将在任何时候见到,你转身向我微笑?
Will I have interesting features from APTN, Reuters, CNN or other partners? 我们会不会上美联环球电视、路透社、有线新闻网或者其他伙伴的特别报道啊?
Will I have time to start on digging the garden tonight? 今晚我有时间开始给花园翻土吗?

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