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A joyful smile was etched permanently onto my face when I hobbled to the dingy with bleeding knees from coral cuts.

A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。
A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, arts and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。
A journey to pray at feet of the outcast one, the lost sacred feminine. 跪在这位被放逐、失落已久的神圣女性的足踝前的祈祷之旅。」
A journy always starts with the first step. 千里之行,始于足下.
A joy shared by nobody is not a true joy, while a pain partaken by nobody is the most dreadful pain. 一个无人分享的快乐决非真正的快乐,而一个无人分担的痛苦则是最可怕的痛苦。
A joyful smile was etched permanently onto my face when I hobbled to the dingy with bleeding knees from coral cuts. 当我带着被珊瑚划出血的膝盖一瘸一拐地回到游艇旁时,脸上绽放出了快乐的笑容,久久不去。
A joystick allows the safe room occupant to lock and unlock doors throughout the house to trap an intruder. 控制杆可让安全密室里的人锁上或打开房子里的任何门,来捕捉入侵者。
A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed. 利25:11第五十年要作为你们的禧年.这年不可耕种、地中自长的、不可收割.没有修理的葡萄树、也不可摘取葡萄。
A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself. 法官不得对使自己蒙受的过错进行惩处.
A judge has scheduled John Mark Karl's first Colorado Court appearance for Monday. The JonBenet Ramsey's slaying suspect is currently being held in Boulder Colorado county jail. 法官将约翰马克在科罗拉多法院的首次出庭安排在下周一。这名杀害琼贝尼的疑犯现关押在科罗拉多博得尔县监狱。
A judge has scheduled John Mark Karr's first Colorado court appearance for Monday. 约翰`马克`卡尔的第一次审判已经纳入日程,他将于星期一在多伦多出庭。

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