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(Quirk, Paul. Policy Making in the Contemporary Congress.Chap. 9 in Landy &Levin, The New Politics of Public Policy, 1995.

(Price includes Cost, Insurance, Freight to a named port of destination in the buyer's country. 到岸价格。包括成本、保险费以及运费,要求运到卖方指定港口。
(Price includes cost of goods, Carriage (freight), and Insurance Paid by container to a named destination in the buyer's country. 包括货物费用、运费、承运商支付的保险费,运到买方指定的目的港的价格。
(Proterties)This article is shallow brown to yellow brown liquid , has fragrant air. 本品为浅棕色至黄棕色液体,气香。
(Provide a brief description of what this appendix is for and then get down to business and provide data to the reader. 提供一个对附录的说明,讲清楚这些都是干什么的。接下来进入正题,给出资料。
(Provide an overview about the world editor. 提供一个关于世界编辑器的概述。
(Quirk, Paul. Policy Making in the Contemporary Congress.Chap. 9 in Landy &Levin, The New Politics of Public Policy, 1995. 保罗·奎克:“当代国会的政策制定”,兰迪与莱温:《公共政策的新政治学》,1995年版,第9章。
(Rapid developments in ICT are difficult to manage for Ministries of Education, educational managers, and schools. 由于信息与通信技术发展迅猛,各国教育部、各级教育管理部门和学校都很难应对这种发展。
(Remember that success requires half luck and half brains. 记住成功需要一半运气和一半头脑。
(Remember that we all climb the ladder of success one step at a time. 记住我们所有人在攀登成功阶梯的时候每次只能攀登一步。
(Robert Reich. Policy Making in a Democracy.Chap. 6 in The Power of Public Ideas . Edited by Reich, 1988. 罗伯特·瑞克:“民主体制下的政策制定”,《公共观念的力量》,瑞克主编,第6章,1988年版。
(Rushkoff, Douglas. They Say.In Coercion: Why We Listen to What TheySay. New York: Riverhead, 1999, pp. 1-23. 道格拉斯·拉希格夫,《他们说》。载于胁迫:为什么我们要听他们说纽约:河源出版社,1999年版,1-23页。

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