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Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in town.

Adam Frost, an Australian doctor, was holidaying on Bali when the bombs ripped through two busy restaurants. 当炸弹炸毁两座繁忙的餐馆时,亚当·弗罗斯特,一个澳大利亚医生,正在巴厘岛度假。
Adam Gadahn the American member of Al-Qeada is threatening foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic World. The group is targeting these foreign locations which it describes as spy dens. 基地组织美国成员A.G正威胁着驻伊斯兰国家的外国大使馆和外交官员。这个组织把外国大使馆驻地作为目标,并称之为间谍秘穴。
Adam Gadahn, the American member of al-Qaeda, is threatening foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic world. The group is targeting these foreign locations which it describes as spy dens. 基地组织的美国成员亚当·加达在威胁伊斯兰世界的外国外交官和大使。组织正瞄准这些被形容为“特务巢穴”的外国区域。
Adam Langridge - Programmer : My colleagues. 程序员:我的同事.
Adam Smith and Marx expound respectively the issue of primitive accumulation from different angles. 摘要亚当?斯密和马克思从不同的角度对原始积累问题做了代表性的论述。
Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in town. 亚当·史密斯是镇上有名的鞋匠。
Adam Smith, whose The Wealth of Nations(1776)is the germinal book of modern economics, was thrilled by the recognition of an order in the economic system,Smith proclaimed the principle of the “Invisible Hand. 亚当.斯密斯所写的国富论(1776)是现代经济学的开元之作.他认识到了经济体系中所存在的秩序,这一点让他颇感意外.于是,斯密斯提出了看不见的手这一规则.
Adam and Eve are the first man and the first woman in the Bible. 亚当和夏娃是圣经中的第一个男人和女人。
Adam and Eve listened and promised that they would obey. 亚当和夏娃听命令后,答应遵照执行。
Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. 亚当和夏娃是用一株苹果树造出的。
Adam and Eve were created to render glory to their Creator. 亚当和夏娃被创造以感谢他们的创造者。

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