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All medicines for lupus should be taken exactly as the proider orders them and only for the length of time ordered.

All measurements after polishing, taken from finished product! 所有的尺寸均需在产品抛光完工后。
All measurements of refraction really consist of two parts, one is the refractive index, and the other tells how much EM radiation is absorbed by the material. 对于折射的度量有两个指标,一是折射率,另一个反映辐射被物质吸收的情况。
All measurements will be made perpendicular to a line drawn between the inner and outer attachments of the relevant member. 全部尺寸测量都垂直于在各相关部件的内外连线。
All measures of PPP are admittedly imperfect. 公认地,所有的购买力平价理论的衡量都不完美。
All medical device intended for sale in Brazil must be registered with the Agencia Nacional Vigilancia de Sanitaria (ANVISA). 所有欲在巴西销售的医疗器械必须在巴西卫生部(ANVISA)进行注册。
All medicines for lupus should be taken exactly as the proider orders them and only for the length of time ordered. 所有治疗狼疮药物的服法和用药时间都应该严格按照医嘱执行。
All member variables should be declared at the top, with one line separating them from the properties or methods. 所有成员变量应该定义在前面,和属性或方法间空开一行。
All members can make contributions online. 所有的社员均可上网捐款。
All members of a team must stand on a piece of paper whose size had been decided. Having tried for a long time, all the teams had done this job. 本队的所有队员必须都站在一张规定大小的纸上。试了好长时间,所有的队伍都完成了此项活动。
All members of our club took part in the preparation of the inauguration energetically and worked hard. Thanks to undergraduates who spared time to work just before the midsemester. 在大赛开幕式的准备阶段,俱乐部内部各部成员都进行了积级地参与,参与人员保持着极高的热情并付出了辛勤的劳动,特别感谢本科生能在临近期中考试的时候能抽出时间来参与工作。
All members will have to participate in the BAND FAIR 2007 Youth Wind Orchestra rehearsals &concert performance. 团员可接受客席指挥之指导,参与管乐缤纷2007青年管乐团之排练及演出外,更可优先出席管乐节所有活动。

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