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In order to meet the needs for measuring the coolant water flow rate in-core of a nuclear heating reactor,two types of turbine flow meter with low rotation speed have been developed in our institute.

In order to meet the enormous market requirement,we insist on absorbing all useful ideas and improving ow pwducts for decades,We have developed two series of products(Oblique march printing machine and tlat type printing machine. 迅发系列是集送料、烫金(选装)、多色印刷、复膜、模切、排废等一次完成的全自动商标印刷机;全自动高速模切机,肯定是您创业发展的首选伙伴。
In order to meet the growing requirement of Chinese Automotive market, TRW Automotive Research and Development (Shanghai)Co., Ltd. which registered in Shanghai CaoHeJing High-Tech Park was set up in July, 2004. 为了适应中国汽车市场的快速增长需求,天合汽车研发(上海)有限公司2004年7月在上海漕河泾新兴技术开发区注册成立。
In order to meet the market requirement, the company invested in 2006 has constructed Manzhouli in a big way to the Russia business center, Formed the collection shopping, the dining, the lodgings, the leisure, the culture, has distributed orders is body 为适应市场需要,公司于2006年又投资兴建了满洲里市最大的对俄商贸中心,形成了集购物、餐饮、住宿、休闲、文化、配货为一体的综合性多功能旅游涉外酒店。
In order to meet the need of earthworm taxonomy of China, the reaserch of earthworm ecology and exploitability of earthworm resources, this paper outlined the checklist and distribution of terrestrial earthworms (Oligochaeta: Opisthopora) in China (includ 摘要为满足中国蚯蚓分类学、蚯蚓生态学研究和蚯蚓资源开发的需求,本文综述了2005年10月前记录的中国(包括香港、澳门、台湾地区)陆栖蚯蚓(寡毛纲:后孔寡毛目)的名录及其分布,共9科28属306种(含亚种)。
In order to meet the need of era, Huafeng Industrial and Commercial College, established in May 1998, was a new style college for training management talents to the society. 华丰工商管理学院组建于1998年5月,是顺应时代发展的需要,面向社会办学,培养工商管理人才的新型学院。
In order to meet the needs for measuring the coolant water flow rate in-core of a nuclear heating reactor,two types of turbine flow meter with low rotation speed have been developed in our institute. 为适应核反应堆堆芯冷却剂流量测量的需要,开发研制了新型低速涡轮流量变送器,按流量信号输出不同,分别为磁感应模拟信号输出和数字开关量输出低速涡轮流量变送器。
In order to meet the needs of controlling the flame shape, a four-channel coal burner is available. 为了满足控制火焰形状的需要,可以采用四通道喷煤管。
In order to meet the needs of strobe control, This Paper introduced a three layers structure of strobe control that based on the layer of long-range control, the layer of centralize control and the layer of local control, and implemented it with advanced 针对闸门自动控制系统的控制需求,提出了基于远地控制层、集中控制层和现地控制层的三层控制体系结构,并采用先进的PLC以及现场总线技术加以实现,避免了传统集中控制带来的风险。
In order to meet the quick advance requirement of the underground coal face gateway equipment, the whole part self-advance technique and equipment had been researched and developed. 摘要为适应井下工作面顺槽设备快速移动的要求,研制开发了顺槽设备整体自移技术和装备。
In order to meet the requirement of market development, the company further develops various turbocharger for various vehicles as well as various electromagnet used for diesel engine. 公司为了适应市场发展的需求,又开发制造了各种车用涡轮增压器及柴油发动机用各种电磁阀。
In order to meet the requirement of stability, loading and the distortion of the dam, the technique of vibration &impulsion was adopted to reinforce the overburden layer. 为了确保闸坝基础能满足坝基稳定、承载、变形的要求,设计上采用了振冲法对覆盖层进行加固处理。

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