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What is involved in the tamingof a wild animal? Why are some species easier to tame than others? What is the difference between taming and domestication?

What is ingenious about the recent economic studies of empire is how they overcome this problem. 最近有关帝国的经济学研究的精妙之处就在于他们如何解决这一问题。
What is inquiry, quantity and specifications? (要求、数量、规格是什么?)
What is interested to these aspect book? 都对那些方面的书感兴趣啊?
What is interesting is that stories, including those pure novel works like poesy and legend faced with children, which are more universal than the informationization oriented schoolbooks, discovering the deep emotion such as love and pain, anger and toler (例子)有趣的是那些故事,包括诸如面向儿童的诗歌与传说这类纯小说类的作品,都较信息化导向的教科书更为普遍,发掘着深层次的情感,诸如爱情与痛苦,愤怒与容忍。
What is interesting is the fictions, including verses and legend are faced to children, is more prevail on unearth the deeply motion such as love and pain, anger and tolerance than the information guide textbooks. (例子)有趣的是那些故事,包括诸如面向儿童的诗歌与传说这类纯小说类的作品,都较信息化导向的教科书更为普遍,发掘着深层次的情感,诸如爱情与痛苦,愤怒与容忍。
What is involved in the tamingof a wild animal? Why are some species easier to tame than others? What is the difference between taming and domestication? 什麽涉及野生动物的「驯化」?为什麽有些物种比其它物种容易驯服?驯化和驯养之间有什麽差别?
What is ironic is that adults will never lose the imagination in their childhoods completely, but soon they have to be weighed down in the reality. (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。
What is ironical is that although an adult will never completely lose the imagination from his childhood, before long we have to be weighed down with reality. (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底的失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命.
What is ironical is that whereas an adult will never lose all the imagination of childhood, we will soon have to struggle deadly under the reality. (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。
What is it about Hawking that draws us to him as a scientific saint? 霍金究竟有什麽魅力使我们奉若神明?
What is it about each ad that indicates that it is aimed at a particular social class? 每个广告中都是怎样针对某个特定的社会阶层而(做)广告的?

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