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This phenomenon is rooted in the Chinese thoughts that value sciences and neglect humanities.

This phenomenon is called the Hawking effect. 这种现象就是所谓的霍金效应。
This phenomenon is commonly known as the cocktail party effect. 这种现象一般称为「鸡尾酒会现象」。
This phenomenon is described as a tragedy of the commonsin credit market is the paper. 将这一现象解释为信贷领域的“公共地”问题。
This phenomenon is known as “recency bias”, the tendency to be excessively affected by the pattern of recent data. 这一现象被认为是“近因效应”(或近期偏差),即一种受近期数据模式过度影响的趋势。
This phenomenon is not a manifestation of servility students, and this is precisely servility teachers and classes that contributed to the effort. 这种现象不能不说是学生奴性的体现,而这种奴性则正是教师阶级所希望并努力促成的。
This phenomenon is rooted in the Chinese thoughts that value sciences and neglect humanities. 根源于这种现象的是国人的重理轻文、重“科举”而轻人文。
This phenomenon was neither due to the barrier of language, nor due to different personalities. 这种现象既不是因为语言障碍,也不是因为不同的个性所致。
This phenomenon, known as multipath, also affects the signals sent from the cell phone to the base station. 而且,反射讯号会不断变动,特别是公车等大型车辆所导致的反射,这种现象称为「多路径」,也会影响行动电话传给基地台的讯号。
This phenomenon, sometimes called wanderlust, may explain why people spend so much time and money on trips to interesting places. 这种现象,有时叫做旅游癖,可以用来解释为什么人们会把那么多时间和金钱花在有趣的旅游场所。
This philosophical shift parallels the veer to pluralism on a world base. 诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。
This philosophy has been carried through into the design of the next generation of ships, which have much smaller crews, a high degree of computer automation and are multi-role. 这一理念已经在设计下一代战舰中得以实施。下一代战舰有着更少的舰员,高度的自动化喝多用途。

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