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There is enough water in the harbour to float a fleet of ship.

There is enough good and bad in everyone's life ---- ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. 每个人的生命中都有足够多的幸与不幸----数不清的哀伤和喜悦、欢欣与痛苦----可以构成乐观或悲观的理性基础。
There is enough information given with the links to fit the link into the overall structure and context of the Web project. 这些连结提供足够资讯使得连结在网页专题研究计画中的结构与上下文位置适得其所。
There is enough room for the anchorage of thirty ships here. 这里有足够的迴旋空间可供三十艘船的停泊。
There is enough space between the door skin and the bracket to push through the cable tie. ,在支架和门把手之间有足够大的空间穿过扎带。
There is enough suspicion about Iran's nuclear intentions to fear Iran and North Korea, even if they don't launch suicidal nuclear attacks, will clandestinely provide terrorists with nuclear weapons. 有足够的怀疑伊朗的核意图的担心,伊朗和北韩,即使不发动自杀核袭击,将秘密向恐怖分子提供核武器.
There is enough water in the harbour to float a fleet of ship. 海港里的水域足够容纳一个船队。
There is even a big fine if one disobeys the laws. 如果一个人不遵行法律规定,还会被罚大款。
There is even a campaign towards/to work with schools and food companies to reduce the problem of over-weight children in america. 他们有一个活动是与学校和食品公司合作,以减少美国的超重儿童问题。
There is even a legend which says that Hitler and his chief advisers escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole. 甚至有个传说说希特勒和他的主要顾问们在第三帝国的最后日子里通过进入南极开口逃跑了。
There is even a more obvious demonstration of Athena's identity as the reborn serpent's Eve. 甚至还有更为明显的证据表明雅典娜确系重生之蛇的夏娃的同一体。
There is even a tug-of-war in cyberspace between supporters of Western ghosts in black cloaks, and fans of Chinese ones who stick out their long tongues. 在网上还有场“拔河比赛”呢,一边是披着黑色斗蓬的西方幽灵,一边是吐着舌头的中国鬼魂。

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