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B:Can we make a detour?I am in a hurry.

B:But his records are very good. 可他的成绩非常好。
B:But it faces many difficulties. 当然其中也有很多难处。
B:But now she's come to realize the consequences and decided to cut down on candies and desserts. 但现在她已渐渐意识到后果严重了,并决心少吃糖果和甜点。
B:But now the traffic jams are so heavy. You will still be late. 但是,现在交通状况太差,老堵车,一样会迟到。
B:Can I have a look at your letter of acceptance? 我看一下你的接受函好吗?
B:Can we make a detour?I am in a hurry. 能不能绕道行驶?我有急事。
B:Can't you see he's head over heels in love. 你看不出他已经坠入爱河了吗?
B:Certainly. The fitting room is over there. 当然可以,试衣间在那边。
B:Check back next week. Maybe someone will cancel their trip. 下周来看看吧,兴许有人临时取消旅行。
B:Come on, Kate. It's no big deal. 来吧,凯伊,这没什么大不了。
B:Could you carry this bag,sir? I'm afraid the contents might break. 先生,您自己提这个袋子好吗?我怕里面的东西会破。

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