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Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.

Insure on time shipping performance. 确保准时发货。
Insure that products can meet advertising claims. 确保产品能够达到广告要求。
Insure your baggage before you leave home. 离家前先给行李保险。
Insured can select Limit of Liability and currency for coverage. 被保险人可选择保险责任限额及货币种类。
Insured has an accident defined in the Contract abroad, and then consequently dies (but not sudden death) within 180 days after the occurrence of this accident, then the Company will pay 100% base sum assured; or if suffers from differenct level premanent 若被保险人身处境外时因遭受合同定义的意外事故且自该事故发生之日起180天内导致身故(不包括猝死),将获得百分之百基本保险金额的赔偿;若被保险人身处境外时因遭受合同定义的意外事故且自该事故发生之日起90天内导致Ⅲ度烧伤或自该事故发生之日起180天内导致不同程度的永久残疾,将获得百分之十至百分之百基本保险金额的赔偿。
Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency. 被保险人应尽其最大努力减轻急难状况之影响。
Insurers protect themselves against the catastrophe through reinsurance. 保险人通过再保险使自身免遭巨灾。
Insurers were among the worst hit on fears of hefty claims from the hurricane damage, with Swiss Re down 0.4 percent. 保险业要面临因飓风造成损失带来的强烈要求索赔,因为表现最差,瑞士的保险公司股票下跌0.4%。
Insures proper notifications are made for all HSE related issues. 确保与所有HSE相关的问题都已发出正确的通告。
Insurgent forces regularly kidnap, torture, and kill suspected spies and opponents. 暴动军队经常绑架、拷打及杀害可疑的间谍与反对者。
Insurgents also bombed the Baghdad headquarters of the largest Sunni Arab political party and set fire to another of its offices outside the city. 反叛分子还在最大的逊尼派阿拉伯人政党在巴格达的总部制造了爆炸事件,并且在巴格达郊外该党另一个办公处纵火。

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