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1 Please give me a whisky on rocks.

1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 彼得前书3:18“因基督也曾一次为罪受苦,就是义的代替不义的,为要引我们到神面前。
1 Peter 3:18—Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 彼得前书3:18—“因基督也曾一次为罪受苦,就是义的代替不义的,为要引我们到神面前。”
1 Peter 4:12-19 Christians may have to suffer for their belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus will return to judge those who God decides are responsible to him. 彼得前书4:12-19中说基督徒因为信仰耶稣基督可能要受苦。耶稣会回来审判那些被神认为对他有责任的人。
1 Plant location along with the size of the distillation, refining, blending, and oil storage facilities as well as the construction schedule and the plant completion date. 一工厂厂址;蒸馏、精炼、掺配及储油设备之规模、设置进度及建厂完工日期。
1 Platelet transfusions were req uired to treat continued hemorrhage. 治疗持续性出血需输入血小板。
1 Please give me a whisky on rocks. 请给我一杯加冰的威士忌。
1 Please note that the table should be in double line spacing. 请问这句话是什么意思?表格也有行间距吗?
1 Please take a photograph of me in front of the Merlion. 请在鱼尾狮塑像前为我拍一张照片.
1 Prepare a piece of paper, and fold it right-angled the triangle. 准备一张纸,把它折成一个直角三角形。
1 Prepare the maintenance plan, and update the plan on practical basis. 制定维修计划,并且依据实际调整计划.
1 Prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Employer may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tender documents by the issue of an Addendum. (一)在提交标书最后期限前,业主可根据自己的意愿,或应回复潜在投标者的解释文件的要求,发布附录修改投标文件。

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